
Why are two products with the same pattern not exactly identical?

Please note that slight color variations may occur in products with the same pattern or print due to the intricacies of our production process.
At CEINTE, we are always striving to deliver high-quality items that meet our standards of craftsmanship and design excellence.
Furthermore, during the course of our sales, it is possible that a product may undergo certain modifications or improvements. Therefore, if a customer wishes to repurchase the same product several months later, there might be slight differences or enhancements compared to the previous version. These updates are made to ensure the best quality and customer satisfaction. These modifications are, of course, always reflected in the photos. We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support of our commitment to product refinement.
In case of any doubts or questions, we encourage you to reach out directly to our customer service team. We are always available and attentive to assist you, no matter the circumstances.
We would also greatly appreciate your feedback on our products, the changes you would like to see, and the features you dream of. Customer reviews are invaluable to us as they help us stay relevant in our offerings. We firmly believe that products tailored to the real needs of customers can help mitigate unnecessary overconsumption. Your input and suggestions play a vital role in shaping our future direction, and we are committed to continuously improving based on your feedback.

What countries does CEINTE ship to ? Do you offer international delivery ?

CEINTE offers shipping to 21 European countries listed below and the United States.

Please note that for most remote or special territories of these countries (e.g., Reunion Island for France, Hawaii for the United States, Faroe Islands for Denmark, etc.), only express shipping is available. If these destinations are not provided as options during the checkout process, please contact us directly for more detailed information. If customers from these territories place an order and make a payment after selecting the incorrect shipping destination (e.g., "France" instead of "Reunion Island"), the fulfillment of this order will remain pending until we can provide an adjusted invoice based on their geographical location. This invoice will reflect the specific shipping fees associated with these territories. We appreciate your understanding.

If you can not find your country in the list above, feel free to contact us. Please note that for certain countries or regions, our courier options may be limited, resulting in only price-based delivery options, and not the standard rate.
If your country is not listed above, and if after contacting our team it is determined that it is not possible to proceed with a sale in your country, please feel free to sign up for our newsletter. We will make sure to inform you as soon as our services become available in third-party countries.

What are the standard shipping fees ?

Flat rate standard shipping fee of 6€ under 150€ in purchases

Free standard shipping above 150€

Please note that for standard shipping, there may be instances where the tracking information remains unchanged during certain stages of transit, such as customs clearance or air transportation. This does not necessarily mean that the package is stuck or lost. Delivery progress may not be reflected in the tracking updates until the package reaches the next major checkpoint. We kindly ask for your patience during these times, as the package is still in transit and will continue to move towards its final destination.

For certain countries and regions, our courier options may be limited, resulting in only price-based delivery options with additional shipping fees. Please reach out to us for additional information.

What are the express shipping fees ?

Express delivery via DHL is available for 30€.
With express delivery, you will benefit from detailed tracking information to ensure a smooth and transparent shipping experience.

What are the delivery times ?

Please note that our bags are crafted to order, ensuring the highest quality and attention to detail. The production process typically takes approximately 3 business days. Once your order is ready, we carefully package and ship it to you.
Shipping usually takes around 12 business days.
As a result, the standard delivery timeframe for your package may extend up to 4 calendar weeks. This is normal and you will be notified throughout the delivery process regarding its progress. However, please note that for detailed tracking, only express shipping can provide this service.
Additionally, please note that your order may arrive in separate packages on different dates.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are always available to address any inquiries you may have.
We appreciate your patience and assure you that the wait will be worth it. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to deliver exceptional products and service.

Who is responsible for custom duties and taxes?

The responsibility for customs duties and taxes rests with the customer or the recipient of the shipment. When shipping internationally, customs duties and taxes are typically imposed by the destination country's customs authorities in accordance with their regulations and laws. These charges are separate from the shipping fees and are determined based on factors such as the type of goods, their declared value, and the customs policies of the country.

As a customer, it's important to be aware of and prepared for any potential customs duties and taxes that may apply to your order. It is your responsibility to comply with the customs regulations of your country and to pay any applicable fees. CEINTE is not responsible for any customs duties or taxes incurred on your shipment.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the customs laws and regulations of your country to understand the potential duties and taxes that may be imposed. If you have any specific questions regarding customs duties and taxes, we advise consulting with your local customs office or seeking professional advice.

If applicable, we will charge and include the appropriate VAT at checkout. You should not be liable for VAT during the shipment of your package as you should not pay it twice, and if this occurs, you can contact us. However, we cannot substitute for your customs administration.
Please note that it is our priority to provide a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience for our customers, and we are committed to addressing any VAT-related concerns to the best of our ability.

What payment methods do you accept ?

We offer multiple payment options for your convenience. In addition to accepting payments through your PayPal account, we accept major credit cards, debit cards, and bank transfers through Paypal without Paypal account.

Do you offer installment payments ?

Yes, we do offer installment payments through PayPal. Please note that the approval of installment payments is subject to PayPal's discretion.

Can I return or exchange a product ?

We accept returns only upon request. The request is made within 14 calendar days after receiving the package, and only for items in new condition , unused, and in their original packaging.
Ceinte covers the return costs. The returns are free for the customer.
The Seller will provide the Client with a prepaid shipping label for the return or any other means to facilitate the return process.

Kindly note that if a package is returned without prior notification to our customer services, the return will not be accepted, and the return shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer. We highly recommend contacting our team before initiating any return to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

If the package is damaged when you receive it, we kindly request that you take a photo/video of the package before and after opening it.

We want to assure you that, no matter the circumstances, our top priority at CEINTE is to find a solution that satisfies both our customers and our brand. We are committed to resolving issues in a fair, transparent, and timely manner. Your satisfaction is our primary goal, and we will do everything possible to ensure a positive experience and address any concerns that may arise.

What is your refund policy ?

We provide a complete refund for your returned items, which will be issued upon receipt of the returned package by our team. Please be aware that the actual reimbursement may depend on the standard banking procedures and processing times.

What if I have not received my order / the address is incorrect/ issues arise during shipping ?

Please note that for standard shipping, there may be instances where the tracking information remains unchanged during certain stages of transit, such as customs clearance or air transportation. This does not necessarily mean that the package is stuck or lost. Delivery progress may not be reflected in the tracking updates until the package reaches the next major checkpoint. We kindly ask for your patience during these times, as the package is still in transit and will continue to move towards its final destination.

If any of the information you have provided is incorrect, please notify us as soon as possible. It is important to ensure that all details are accurate to avoid any issues or delays with your order. In the first instance, we encourage you to reach out to the carrier directly for prompt assistance.

Our company cannot accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the shipping address provided by the customer, or for any issues arising from the performance of third-party delivery services. While we strive to assist our customers to the best of our abilities, it is important to understand that errors or failures on the part of third parties or customers do not automatically entitle them to a refund.
That being said, our team will always do our utmost to resolve any issues and find a solution.
We are committed to providing prompt assistance and addressing inquiries, while keeping the best interests of both our customers and the company in mind.

Do you share my data with third parties ?

At CEINTE, we prioritize the privacy and security of our customers' data. We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, and we want to assure you that we do not share your data with third parties without your explicit consent. This commitment is reflected in several key practices:

1. Confidentiality Commitment: We have a strict policy in place that prohibits the sharing of customer data with any third party. Your information remains confidential and is used solely for the purpose of providing you with our services.

2. Secure Systems: We have implemented robust data protection systems and encryption methods to ensure the security of your data. This safeguards your information from unauthorized access and maintains its integrity.

3. Limited Access: Only authorized personnel with a need-to-know basis have access to customer data. Our team members are required to adhere to strict confidentiality protocols, ensuring that your information is accessed only when necessary and handled with the utmost care.

5. Opt-Out Options: We provide you with the ability to opt out of any data sharing or marketing communications. You have full control over how your information is used, and we respect your preferences.

By adhering to these practices, we strive to protect your data and maintain your trust. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we are committed to ensuring that your information remains secure and confidential.